
Estate Planning is Not Just for the Very Wealthy

It is a common misconception that estate planning is for persons who possess large/multiple properties or have vast amounts of wealth. Nothing could be further from the truth. Estate planning is about taking control of your future, and ensuring your wishes are honored in life and after death. Many people give more consideration to vacation  … Read more

Are You Too Young to Have a Will?

If you are in your twenties or thirties, you may think that wills are for older people. It is difficult to imagine the need when you are young and healthy. You may be surprised to learn that putting your wishes down in a will can cover more than your material possessions. Social Media Accounts Almost  … Read more

Guardianship and Conservatorship Disputes in Georgia

If you are concerned about an aging loved one, you may be considering the need for a guardianship or a conservatorship to take care of their physical and financial needs. If you are fortunate, your aged loved one had the foresight and ability to draft a plan for their care before it was needed. If  … Read more

Benefits of a Charitable Trust in Georgia

If you are estate planning, you may want to donate to a charity that is important to you, but you also want to provide for your family. Charitable trusts are a wonderful way to give to your favorite causes, and you can rest assured that you can provide for your family as well. Types of  … Read more

Consider an Advanced Directive or Living Will

Thinking about palliative or end-of-life care seems like a task that should be contemplated once a person is elderly. The reality is that even the young and otherwise healthy could experience a life-changing event at any time. A tragic accident, complications from illness or surgery could result in a terminal condition. Many people do not  … Read more

3 Estate Planning Documents for Newlyweds

If you just got married, you are most likely working with your significant other on how to share responsibilities together as a couple. Now is the perfect time to start working on an estate plan as your accounts and possessions are minimal at this point. When planning your future, you may want to start preparing  … Read more

Respecting Veterans with Aid and Attendance Support in Georgia

It is not unusual for disabled veterans to feel confused about aid and attendance benefit eligibility. Whether you were wounded in active duty or otherwise, you may be entitled to claim benefits. Aid and attendance can cover chronic health conditions that occurred or manifested after leaving military services. Managing medical bills can become financially crippling  … Read more

Gaslighting an Elderly Person to Influence Will Beneficiaries

In recent years, the term “gaslighting” has come to prominence in the public arena. Describing manipulating behavior that makes the victim doubt their own memories or sanity, gaslighting is a type of abuse. One of the ways that gaslighting is used involves coercion. An example of this may include manipulating an elderly person into creating  … Read more

What Are Your Plans for Your Estate After You Die?

When you plan to buy a house, car or make an investment, it is common to carefully think through your actions. Although considering the impact on those you love following your death may feel uncomfortable, it is important to have a plan in place to provide support. If you have money, property or other valuables,  … Read more

Why Set Up a Special Needs Trust?

Are you concerned about the welfare of a special needs relative? When you are no longer around to take care of a disabled or elderly loved one, they may struggle to get by financially. Even if you have money that you could leave in a will, doing so could lead to greater hardship. Government benefit  … Read more