
Three Common Reasons for Drafting a Power of Attorney Document

A power of attorney (POA) is a more flexible document than most people realize. However, to ensure that directives are followed in the way that you want, it may help you to consult with an experienced attorney. You may be wondering whether a POA is the right type of legal document for your needs. There  … Read more

Advance Directives in Georgia

As we age, it is important to prepare for our future medical and financial care. This planning takes the burden off our loved ones and can bring us peace of mind knowing that our wishes will be carried out. There are several options to consider as you begin planning, and it can become overwhelming without  … Read more

Aid and Attendance Benefits for Veterans

Many veterans supplement their income or rely solely on VA disability benefits for both income and medical care. To qualify for VA benefits, your disability must be service-connected. However, veterans or their surviving spouses with chronic conditions that were not directly caused by their time in the military can still find support. There are a  … Read more

End of Year Tax Planning

Many of us are happy to see 2020 come to an end. A worldwide pandemic and the economic strain felt by many are reasons to look forward to ringing in the new year. But before you say goodbye to 2020, it is important to evaluate your tax obligations. Uncertain Future for Taxes The political climate  … Read more

Common Signs of Elder Abuse in Care Homes

If you have trusted a care home to look after an elderly relative, the expectation is that all personal needs will be met. Unfortunately, some care home employees do not treat residents the way they deserve. Elder abuse comes in many forms, so it is important to recognize the common signs. There are six types  … Read more

Do You Need to Create a Special Needs Trust in Georgia?

If you care for a person with special needs, it may be time to think about what happens when you pass away. Ensuring that an elderly or disabled relative is looked after is not always as simple as it sounds. In fact, good intentions can often lead to a vulnerable person being left less financially  … Read more

Estate Planning Tips During the Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a wakeup call for those who have yet to craft or update an estate plan. An estate plan is necessary to protect you and your loved ones medically and financially. If you’ve been putting off crafting an estate plan, you may want to reconsider. Here are estate planning tips to  … Read more

Charitable Giving During the Pandemic

We are living in unprecedented times, and the current crisis may be prompting you to give to charitable institutions that are providing relief for coronavirus victims. Many charities are suffering through this crisis and are desperate for help, but this also means that scams are at a record high as well. Follow these tips to  … Read more

What to Include in a Living Will

We all want to provide for our families after we pass on, but it is also important to leave instructions for our family members in the event a medical condition leaves us incapable of making medical decisions on our own. A living will is a way to care for your family and remove from them  … Read more

The Benefits of Mediation in Guardianship Disputes

One of the most difficult phases of life occurs when our parents can no longer fully care for themselves. The circle of life reverses roles, placing the children in the place of caregiver. For adult children, the decisions that must be made concerning their elderly parents are difficult. Children want to make sure their aged  … Read more