Aid and Attendance Benefits for Veterans

Many veterans supplement their income or rely solely on VA disability benefits for both income and medical care. To qualify for VA benefits, your disability must be service-connected. However, veterans or their surviving spouses with chronic conditions that were not directly caused by their time in the military can still find support. There are a few eligibility requirements.
Service Requirements
In addition to being 65 years or older, there are two requirements regarding the veteran’s time in the military. While being on active duty for at least 90 days of their service, at least one day of that service needs to be during “wartime.” These include WWII, the Korean conflict, the Vietnam era and the Persian Gulf War.
Income and Asset Eligibility
The veteran must be considered low income. While their home and primary vehicle are not counted when reviewing personal assets, there is a limit on other, countable assets. The standards for income and assets are set by the VA.
Healthcare Needs Criteria
To qualify for Aid and Attendance benefits as a veteran or veteran’s spouse, you must require a certain degree of healthcare. If living at a personal residence and not bedridden, they must require the services of a caregiver for everyday tasks. Those veterans living in an assisted care or nursing home because of mental or physical limitations also qualify. Severe visual impairments can be considered as well.
The application process for these benefits can be lengthy. In addition to providing documents with the initial application, extra requests can be made at any time. An experienced attorney may be able to help you through this application process, making it a bit easier for both you and your loved one seeking benefits. To schedule a free phone consultation with Robert Turner, call our office at (404) 377-6941.
Posted on the behalf of Turner Law, LLC