Author: dec_admin

Dispute Resolution

As an important part of managing one’s property and assets, a solid estate plan honors a person’s last will and testament and is invaluable to family members and friends. Yet, it isn’t possible to anticipate every change in life, as Legal Match explains. Thus, disputes may arise, even with a good plan in place. Attorney  … Read more

Financial Exploitation and Your Aging Loved One

From telemarketing scams to forgery, identity theft or undue influence, the aging population is increasingly vulnerable to financial exploitation. Aside from their advanced age, Find Law explains that older adults are more dependent on others, not to mention many elderly individuals have more financial assets. Unfortunately, much of the exploitation experienced (up to 90%) takes  … Read more

Probate Disputes

Perhaps you’ve been told that it’s best to plan ahead in order to avoid probate. Without question, this is wise advice as family members could find themselves tangled in lengthy and costly court proceedings following the death of a loved one. What’s more, these matters are usually highly emotional, and can create division among those  … Read more

Becoming A Guardian

Whether due to illness, disability or sudden injury, there are instances in which a loved one is unable to make decisions regarding his or her medical care, money and other personal matters. As such, a family member or friend may file a petition with the local probate court in order to manage the person’s affairs  … Read more

Advanced Directives and Living Wills

As individuals age, it’s likely that they will hear the terms advanced directive or living will. In some cases, however, a younger person might be asked if they have an advanced directive prior to a surgery. Even so, these written instructions are mostly associated with those that are terminally ill or in a coma, or  … Read more

Charitable Giving And Vision For The New Year

When it comes to goal setting for the New Year, effective giving is one way to feel richer, according to MoneySense. As such, philanthropic advisor Malcolm Burrows suggests outlining a vision statement for what one would like to accomplish. Whether simple or complex, people need a way of defining their passions, and giving to charities  … Read more

Qualified Personal Residence Trust (QPRT)

For purposes of a federal gift tax and estate tax, a Qualified Personal Resident Trust, or QPRT is an irrevocable trust that removes the value of a primary residence or a second home from an individual’s taxable estate. To be clear, once an agreement has been signed for an irrevocable trust, it cannot be changed.  … Read more

Probate: Do You Know The Basics?

While probate laws and customs have changed over the years, its primary purpose is the same—people submit their intentions regarding the transfer of their property at the time of their death, usually in the form of a will. Thus, when a person dies, their property is collected, remaining debts are paid accordingly from their estate  … Read more

Establishing A Special Needs Trust

Created specifically to benefit those with physical or mental disabilities, a special needs trust outlines the affairs of a beneficiary in regards to their needs in the future. This type of trust can last as long as it is needed, and this usually means that it will continue until the beneficiary dies or until funds  … Read more

Warning Signs of Financial Elder Abuse

Protecting your aging parents is not an easy task. Not only are they susceptible to physical harm as they lose mobility and mental sharpness, but they are also at risk for financial harm. This often takes the form of financial abuse, or someone else exploiting them for their own financial gain. If you are trying  … Read more